The 2023 AGM was held on 14th February
with a record attendance of about 50 members.
Main points:-
The new Constitution was approved and accepted.
After 13 years on the committee Mike Davis did not seek re-election as Chairman. Brian Lawton was appointed to the position.
Lyn Willock was appointed Social Secretary. This position has been put back into the Constitution after a considerable gap.
Other Officers remain the same. (See “Who’s who” web page.
The Committee recommended that Subscriptions stay unchanged:
Playing Members £60
Non-playing/Social members £10
Much consideration had been given to the fact that all members are being badly affected by inflation and this a matter of concern given that the vast majority of members are on fixed incomes.
The Committee’s proposals were accepted.
Club House Keys
If you still have a key to the Club House it is no longer necessary to have it, this system had to be discontinued, as you will know.
If you still hold a key you will have paid a deposit for it. We have been allowing members to return their keys and have their deposits returned to them.
It was announced at the Meeting that this facility will cease on 31st December 2023. At that time any deposits still held will be considered a donation to the Club and added to Club funds..